That Was Then, This Is Now

Books like That Was Then, This Is Now

July 10, 2022

#1 Rumble Fish

The story centers on Rusty who runs into an old friend (Steve) after spending lots of time on the seashore. And after some chit-chat, Rusty tells Steve about things that happened in the past. Rusty and Steve both were in the gang as teenagers and frequently went out to play pool.

They discover that a person named Biff is out to assassinate Rusty, but he ignores it until it comes true. Biff and Rusty battle and Rusty manages to overcome Biff but is stabbed after becoming distracted by a movement. He is later rescued by the Motorcycle guy, who also happens to be his brother, and returns home.

#2 Wonder

August “Auggie” Pullman is a home-schooled 5th grader who lives with his parents in Upper Manhattan’s North River Heights. Treacher Collins syndrome is a hereditary disorder that has damaged his face. As a result, August is being home-schooled by his mom. However, his parents enrolled him in Beecher Prep, a private school, at the start of fifth grade to offer him a broader perspective of the world.

Auggie simply deserves to be respected like any other youngster. August, on the other hand, is struggling with a lot greater than just being new. Will he meet any new people? And will those around him be able to see past his external appearance?

#3 The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian

Arnold Spirit Jr., sometimes known as Junior, is a resident of the Spokane Indian Reservation. Junior relates the narrative in his journal, frequently adding cartoon drawings to remark on the incidents and people he cares about. Junior, like Christopher Boone, from The Curious Incident, is differently-abled and suffering from hydrocephalus, which causes him to be short, have poor eye-sight, stammer, and have frequent seizures.

He is regularly ridiculed because of his disability, yet he finds a way to make a buddy named Rowdy. Junior eventually moves from his school to an all-white public high school, which causes everyone on the reservation to despise him. He is caught between fitting in at his all-white school and his Indian ancestry, but can he manage both and have a happily ever after?

#4 Of Mice and Men

John Steinbeck wrote the novella Of Mice and Men. It was published in 1937 and tells the story of George and Lenny that make an unusual couple. George is “small and quick and dark of face,” but Lennie has the brains of a kid despite his gigantic bulk. Regardless, they are just like family to me.

Laborers in the parched vegetable fields of California labor more than they can, whenever they can. Lennie and George have a plan: they want to buy an acre of property and build their own shack.

#5 Holes

Stanley Yelnats has a curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has been passed down through generations of Yelnats. Stanley works every day, all day, digging trenches that are exactly five feet in width and five feet in depth after being wrongfully sent to a boys’ detention camp, Camp Green Lake.

But there’s more to Camp Green Lake than just character development. Because the warden is looking for something, the guys start digging holes. What may be hidden under the dried-up lake? What does all of this have to do with Stanley?

#6 The Giver

The Giver is widely considered one of our generation’s most influential works. Jonas, a twelve-year-old child who lives in an apparently ideal environment of conformity and order, is central to the ethically laden storyline.

At the age of twelve, every member of society is assigned a job based on his or her abilities and interests. Jonas does not completely realize the dark, convoluted facts behind his weak civilization until he is awarded his duty as the Receiver of Memory—the community’s lone guardian of collective memory.

#7 Looking for Alaska

Miles “Pudge” Halter has an obsession with famous final words. His entire life has been pretty monotonous, so he heads to boarding school in pursuit of a “Great Perhaps,” François Rabelais’ famous dying words.

Miles meets Alaska Yong there, and his life becomes anything but mundane. Alaska is unpredictable, wild, and self-destructive, as well as the object of Miles’ emotions. Miles and Chip “Colonel” Martin become incredibly good friends and share many fantastic adventures at Culver Creek Boarding School, with Miles anticipating his own “Great Perhaps.”

#8 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Christopher John Francis Boone, is a 15-year-old child who lives with his dad, Ed, and views the world differently. He can name all of the nations and capitals in the world, and every prime number up to 7,057. He has a good grasp of animals but not of human emotions. He can’t bear being touched. He also despises the color yellow.

Christopher discovers Wellington, the neighbor’s dog, dead one day and conducts an investigation into the dog’s death. Despite his father’s warnings, Christopher investigates the crime scene and interviews the people who live on his street. During his inquiry, he discovers a more complex scheme than he had suspected.

#9 The Outsiders

In the book, The Outsiders, Ponyboy Curtis, a 14-year-old boy, contends with right and wrong in a society where he feels like an outsider. Ponyboy believes that there are two sorts of individuals in the world: greasers and socs. A soc (short for “social”) is a wealthy someone who can get away with practically anything. A greaser, on the other hand, is continually on the go and must watch his back.

Ponyboy has always been proud of his greaser status, even if it means fighting toe-to-toe with a group of socs for the sake of his fellow greasers. The difficulties and friendships that Ponyboy and his crew face as greasers are highlighted throughout the narrative. It’s a novel that’s simple to absorb no matter who the reader is since it’s written from the perspective of a 14-year-old boy. It’s a coming-of-age narrative that deals with friendship, adversity, and overcoming obstacles.

#10 The Catcher in the Rye

Holden Caulfield was recently expelled from a new school after failing the majority of his subjects. Holden quits Pencey Prep after a quarrel with his roommate and ends up in New York City. Holden’s perception of the universe and its people evolves as he finds solace in brief encounters.

He wanders the city like a spirit, always thinking about his young sister Phoebe and his desire to escape the posers (adults) and live a meaningful life. The Catcher in the Rye, like The Outsiders, is a coming-of-age story that portrays the primordial human desire for connections as well as the perplexing feeling of loss we feel as we grow from childhood to adulthood.